Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Andorra la Vella - Closed

We arrived in Andorra la Vella on September 8th, the day of Nostra Senyora de Meritxell (Our Lady of Meritxell) who is the patron saint of Andorra. All shops in Andorra were closed and nothing seemed to be happening in the whole country. Shops are usually open every single day of the week, including Sundays, but not on the 8th of September.

We stayed at Henrique's flat, situated on Avinguda Mertixell, Andorra la Vella's high street. We had a view of the surrounding mountains and of the colours of the city from his flat windows.

Henrique speaks Catalan, Andorra's official language, but he comes from Portugal. Andorrans are actually the minority in their own country!

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